Booking Agency Best Practices: Strategies for Successful Artist Representation
Musicians turn to booking agents because they need a leg up on the business side of the art form. They need a partner who is precise, knows the market inside and out, and will connect them with the widest possible audience. Even the most do-it-yourself artist still needs a professional who can help solidify–or expand–their position in live music.
But what do musicians look for in a booking agent? What are the best practices for building relationships and establishing a reputation that will lead to recurring business? By providing clarity, efficiency, and realistic strategies, agents can earn the trust of artists and everyone else they work with. Learn how to improve the outlook for your booking agency while propelling the careers of your clients.
How to build your booking agency’s reputation
Booking agents are charged with turning aspirations into reality. They are the ones finding the right venues, ensuring artist requirements are met, and helping artists build their connections in the music world. Some of the staples of a successful agency include:
- A thriving network of industry contacts
- In-depth knowledge of the music genres they represent
- Exceptional deal-making ability
- Up-to-date expertise on markets
- Efficient bookkeeping
- Professional image
- Loyalty to artists and their goals
Every agent cultivates their own unique skill set, but the job is always to sift through the current market and find opportunities for their artists. The key to building a strong reputation is to demonstrate how well you’re able to help artists reach their goals. Agents who provide a reliable dose of confidence and expertise will position themselves to maximize their clients’ impact while improving their outlook for future business.
Growing your agency
A strong reputation will make everything easier as you look to enhance your agency’s business. One way to maintain core business strength is to establish a niche and slowly expand your influence in an area you’re familiar with. Once your booking agency is well established, promoters and showrunners will start coming to you thanks to your credibility in the space.
Related: How to go from independent booking agent to building a boutique agency
As your agency expands, it’s wise to have a system in place that allows you to duplicate past success. Your bookkeeping process needs to be rock solid, which in today’s environment probably means utilizing the best technology the industry offers. The right tech can help you continue to service clients at a high level even as your overall workload increases. Having a larger footprint in live music is a great thing as long as you are ready for success.
How to deliver for your artists
Results are the cornerstone of a booking agent’s reputation. Here are six of the best ways to achieve your artists’ goals.
1) Find a go-to venue or promoter
To make it in live music, bands need a few reliable options they can turn to time and again. As an agent, finding a venue where a band can perform on a recurring basis is one of the best ways to create stability. With that stability, bands can refine their gig, attain some financial security, and build loyal fan bases that will help spread the word.
2) Create outstanding press kits
Press kits are an opportunity to showcase a client in the best possible light. A strong social media strategy is important too, but press kits remain an effective way to tell your client’s story and get the word out about their talent. They can be reliable profiles that are sent along to talent buyers and promoters as you look to book your client. An effective press kit also succinctly shows that you understand the current marketplace and the strengths of your client.
3) Avoid setting unattainable expectations
Leave the hopes and dreams to the musicians; an agent’s job is to (delicately) help clients come up with practical goals they can achieve. One of the easiest ways to undermine your credibility is to make bold proclamations that you can’t back up. But this doesn’t mean dampening client ambitions either. Big things might happen for a musician’s career; although, it takes time and hard work to reach loftier goals. Provide clients with appropriate steps that can help establish their brand and build momentum.
4) Create a robust networking strategy
You never know what new relationship will make a difference in your business. Go to conferences, check out new venues, and make that extra phone call or social media connection. For all the behind-the-scenes work, live music is still mostly a face-to-face business that requires a deep catalog of industry contacts. Casting a wide net and networking with other industry leaders is a great way to build your reputation while promoting your clients’ interests.
5) Improve your bookkeeping system
A good booking agent seems to be everywhere at once while always staying on top of new trends. This is impossible without an efficient system that lets you quickly get through the paperwork and maintain clarity. Most successful agents today rely on a management platform that can automate many of the tasks that take up a large portion of an agent’s schedule. Automation-based software helps agents avoid human error while freeing them up for other critical functions.
Related: The changing role of music agents in the digital age
Agents end up with more time for research and networking, offering a clear path to maximizing their industry footprint. The right technology also limits the need for extra personnel. Instead of bringing on additional staff members to handle paperwork, agents can run a leaner organization that benefits both the top and bottom lines.
6) Find creative ways to get an artist in front of an audience
A musician might not always know what stage is best for them. Innovative agents are always looking for fresh and exciting ways to get their artists before an engaged audience, which means thinking outside of the box. Anything from a local fair to a charity fundraiser can be an excellent showcase for a band looking to expand their reach.
Agents need to be careful not to force a band into the wrong setting, but momentum may develop from unlikely places. It’s best to keep an open mind while hunting for opportunities for your clients. The publicity from a successful gig can be well worth the effort even if it’s not what the band originally had in mind.
Maintain honesty with your musicians
Artists are so locked into their musical vision that it can be hard for them to be objective. This is where a good booking agent can provide valuable insight. If an act needs smoother transitions to elevate the fan experience, a booking agent can use their experience to strengthen the performance.
Objectivity can also help agents stay clear of a band that will require too much time and effort. Everyone seeks success, but some musicians simply aren’t ready for a booking agent. Most agents don’t have the bandwidth to take on a client who isn’t prepared for prime time. There’s nothing wrong with telling a band you like their music but aren’t ready to represent them at this time.
This isn’t to say you should never take on a risky project. If you really believe in the talent of a band you’re starting to work with, your honesty is vital to the process. Tactful but honest feedback can help an artist polish their act and help their talent pop on the stage. Talent will usually win out, but only if the artist is willing to listen to feedback and adjust.
Move your booking agency forward with confidence
The opportunities are out there in an auspicious new era of live music. Venues and festivals are packed, fans are paying up for the best experiences, and music has re-established itself as one of the dominant forms of live entertainment. For booking agencies, it’s an exciting time to work with clients and bolster reputations as industry leaders.
To take advantage of new trends, Prism offers an all-in-one music management platform designed to handle the pressures of the industry. Our experienced pros know what a booking agent needs to flourish in today’s music environment, which is why our versatile software is built to help agents (and their clients) reach their potential. Try a demo today to find out first-hand what an end-to-end music management platform can do for you.